CARD – Birthday Bombs Away!

And here’s my new favorite again, the Mini Treat Bag Thinlit die … I am just in love, love, love! ENJOY!

Stamp Day Designs, For You Birthday Bomb (1)

Stamp Day Designs, For You Birthday Bomb (2)

Stamp Day Designs, For You Birthday Bomb (3)

See ya next time … ink, ink, smudge, smudge!
–Jessica Kerr, Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator
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CARD – Sending Wishes Your Way

I cannot tell you how absolutely thrilled I am about one of my newest acquisitions, the Mini Treat Bag Thinlits Dies. Originally I was a little worried I would be stuck with a rather expensive “unitasker” (a term coined by one of my all-time-favorite television personalities, Alton Brown, to describe a tool that performs only a single function). I personally don’t make treat bags or favors particularly often, but I really loved all of the extra little dies that were included (hearts, stars, banner, phrases, etc.) I’ve been trying to force myself out of my comfort zone lately, so I decided to take a leap of faith on this one.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the assembled bag measured only a little smaller than a typical A2 card. And since this is a “flat” bag (no gussets/bottom), it works beautifully as a fancy little envelope for an adorable 3-1/2″ x 5″ pull style card (and will even fit into an A2 envelope for mailing!).

This card went together really fast, but I couldn’t be happier with the results!

Stamp Day Designs, Sending Wishes Your Way (1)

Stamp Day Designs, Sending Wishes Your Way (2)

Stamp Day Designs, Sending Wishes Your Way (4)

I will forgo the boring details this time, as I think it’s pretty clear from the pictures how it was made. 😉

See ya next time … ink, ink, smudge, smudge!
–Jessica Kerr, Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator
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Price: $99.95

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Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

3D – Tag Topper Treat Bag/Box

Oh my goodness! I almost forgot to share these fun little Hershey’s chocolate bunny treats that I made for my co-workers just before Easter …

Stamp Day Designs, It's for You (1)

Stamp Day Designs, It's for You (2)

Stamp Day Designs, It's for You (3)

These were very simple to make! Just a 2″ x 11″ wide strip of Sahara Sand. I punched both ends with the Ornate Tag Topper punch, and then scored three times to get the width needed at the bottom, and the foldover piece at the front. I didn’t include those measurements, because they will vary depending upon the treat you are including and the amount of flap you want showing on the front. Then I wrapped a strip of DSP around the bottom, running under the flap and joining in the back, creating a boxed bottom. I finished it off with some coordinating ribbon, a die-cut from Apothecary Accents and a couple of circle punches. Enjoy!

See ya next time … ink, ink, smudge, smudge!
–Jessica Kerr, Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator
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Price: $99.95

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Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog