CARD – Thanks, 2 Ways

Whenever I feel like I’m in a bit of a creative slump, I find that CASEing a few cards helps to get the mojo going again. It’s no secret that the catalogs hold an abundance of creative inspiration … they *are* created by professionals after all, lol! But I get so excited when the new catalog arrives, drooling over new products and making wish lists, that I have a tendency to look right past all of those gorgeous sample pictures. I always find myself laughing when I realize that I could go through that catalog ten times a day, and still discover something new every time. (I know, I know – I seriously need to see a therapist!)

Today’s card was a CASEd from pg 16 of the 2015/2016 Annual Catalog. I knew I had all of the products required to complete the card exactly as pictured, but I thought it might be fun to challenge myself. I still had quite a bit of the recently retired Sweet Dreams DSP in my stash, and I loved that it had the same pattern both front and back, in two different colors. After a few minutes of sorting out the details in my head, I knew how I was going to proceed.


The original card featured three colors: Mint Macaroon, Basic Black and Very Vanilla. All I had to do was swap each of those colors for new colors, and place them in the same locations. First, I swapped the Basic Black and Very Vanilla from the Typeset DSP for the Lost Lagoon and Whisper White from the Sweet Dreams DSP. That left me open to choose any third color to stand in for Mint Macaron. I ended up choosing Sahara Sand, because I knew it would layer well behind the sentiment (being a lighter color), and would also go well with the color on the back side of the DSP. I really like the way these turned out … and I might just have to do similar CASE studies in the future!

Stamp Day Designs, Thanks 2 Ways (1) Stamp Day Designs, Thanks 2 Ways (2) Stamp Day Designs, Thanks 2 Ways (3) Stamp Day Designs, Thanks 2 Ways (4)

See ya next time … ink, ink, smudge, smudge!
–Jessica Kerr, Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator
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